About Us

At Turkish Pide and Kebabs in Lyneham, we've got exciting Turkish dishes including kebabs, entrees and dips. We offer Turkish Spring Rolls, Zucchini Puffs and delicious Potato Balls stuffed with fresh herbs and Fetta, then deep fried. Other excellent specialties at Turkish Pide and Kebabs include...

About Us

At Turkish Pide and Kebabs in Lyneham, we've got exciting Turkish dishes including kebabs, entrees and dips. We offer Turkish Spring Rolls, Zucchini Puffs and delicious Potato Balls stuffed with fresh herbs and Fetta, then deep fried. Other excellent specialties at Turkish Pide and Kebabs include our popular Mixed Meat. You will find our Grill Menu offers Sliced Lamb, Chicken Kebab, Pirzola and Meat Balls and our Traditional Turkish Kebab Rolls are available in chicken, falafel, mixed meat, zucchini and mixed varieties. For a wonderful meal, add one of our flavourful dips.


668 reviews

"Great food. Great service. Repeat customer 👌"



"It’s consistently tasty"



Find Us


4, Wattle pl, Lyneham, 2602

Opening Hours

Monday Closed
Tuesday 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Wednesday 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Thursday 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Friday 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Saturday 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Sunday 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Delivery times may vary

We deliver to:

2600 Barton, 2600 Capital Hill, 2600 Deakin, 2600 Parkes, 2600 Russell, 2600 Yarralumla, 2601 Acton, 2601 City, 2602 Ainslie, 2602 Dickson, 2602 Downer, 2602 Hackett, 2602 Lyneham, 2602 Oconnor, 2602 Watson, 2603 Forrest, 2604 Kingston, 2605 Curtin, 2606 Chifley, 2606 Lyons, 2609 Act Remainder Majura, 2609 Canberra Airport, 2609 Fyshwick, 2609 Pialligo, 2611 Act Remainder Weston Creek, 2611 Coombs, 2611 Duffy, 2611 Fisher, 2611 Holder, 2611 Waramanga, 2611 Weston, 2611 Wright, 2612 Braddon, 2612 Campbell, 2612 Reid, 2612 Turner, 2614 Aranda, 2614 Cook, 2614 Hawker, 2614 Macquarie, 2614 Page, 2614 Scullin, 2614 Weetangera, 2615 Act Remainder Belconnen, 2615 Charnwood, 2615 Florey, 2615 Flynn, 2615 Fraser, 2615 Higgins, 2615 Latham, 2615 Melba, 2615 Spence, 2617 Act Remainder Molonglo Valley, 2617 Belconnen, 2617 Bruce, 2617 Evatt, 2617 Giralang, 2617 Kaleen, 2617 Lawson, 2617 Mckellar, 2900 Act Remainder Tuggeranong, 2911 Crace, 2911 Mitchell, 2912 Gungahlin, 2913 Casey, 2913 Franklin, 2913 Ngunnawal, 2913 Nicholls, 2913 Palmerston, 2914 Act Remainder Gungahlin, 2914 Amaroo, 2914 Harrison, 2914 Throsby